Thursday, October 1, 2015


I am reading the book positive I like this book a lot and it caught my eye because it is a very interesting subject is about a girl getting h.i.v at a very young age. I never really understood what h.iv was until I starting ready this book. It tells us readers her everyday struggles. The girls name in the book is Paige. This story tells us about what her journey is threw her life with h.v.i. When she was little it says in the book that she would take medicine everyday not even knowing why she would take the medicine. In the book it also said that she thought it was normal going to the doctors all the time because the school nurse knew who she was and everyone at the doctors office. I really could never imagine going through what she is going through in this book. I feel so bad for her mom because her mom has to live everyday knowing that she gave her daughter h.i.v. I like this book a lot and I can't wait to get farther into the book.